The CYDiSA programme has been able to successfully recruit candidates into learner-ship opportunities, and place others in genuine employment. The experiences show that there is a large need for the services provided by CYDiSA both from the candidates’ side as well as from the employers.
The organization developed and implemented a fund-raising policy and strategy that has significantly increased its financial resources and funding partners. Thus it has addressed two of the key challenges it was experiencing, i.e. its then dependence on a single donor, and its sustainability and future beyond March 2009. In terms of its core functions and services to its target group, it facilitated a minimum of 5 successful business partnerships between private sector companies such as Chlorochem and collective work schemes. Approximately 47 persons with disabilities from various work schemes received accredited training in skills such as marketing, accounting, cement manufacturing and entrepreneurship and micro-business development training. These training opportunities were facilitated by DWDE. The organization established and continues to convene and host a Forum of Managers from collective works schemes to facilitate sharing of information and experiences. The Manager’s Forum meets on a two-monthly basis. DWDE has enhanced the productive abilities of some collective work schemes by employing an in-house designer who assists workshops with developing new and innovative designs of products.